
Thursday, April 21, 2022

My prayer

I pray that my children will

Trust you. 
Obey you. 
Respect you
Lean on you. 
That they will taste and see you. 
They hunger and thirst on your word. 

That they will grow in 
God's fear
God's favor
God's grace

They will seek you with all their heart. 
That they will draw closer to you. 
They will grow in your likeness. 
They will love you with all their hearts,strength,mind, soul. 
They will be transformed ny the renewing of their mind. 

That they will be saved at an young age and live for you. 
That you change their hearts of stone/rebellious to heart of flesh. 

They will have love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self control. 

They will have a heart of forgiveness. 
They will have heart of gratitude.
They will have a heart of giving. 
That they will share with others
They will be humble. 
They will be brave. 

That they will be quick to Listen, Slow to speak, slow to get angry. 

That God blesses them with Wisdom, Knowledge, understanding, sharp mind, memory power and discernment. 

That they will be salt and light in the world. 

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