
Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Flying a kite

Had been a childhood dream... My guy let me fly one during our honeymoon in Cochin.. oh what a day it was!!

Last week Amy was jumping up and down, when a small paper flew. She then experimented with a plastic cover. It flew too.. thanks to fan. Then she tied a thread to the cover and let it fly. Seeing it I thought why not. I asked my guy...there was no response. So I checked some YouTube videos... Looked pretty simple. But didn't have the kuchi to do it.

Asked selvi akka to bring 2. She got a bunch. And today we tried it. It was easy to make. My guy wasn't sure I tied it properly. He said this won't fly. So we took it upstairs. The first one went down and fell into the neighboring bushes. I was disappointed. To try the next one or not... Seeing my girls Glee, I decided to give a last try.

The second one flew. My guy flew it beautifully.. he himself was surprised how strong it was. It crossed the road and into the next neighbor coconut tree.. it flew though stuck but my husband rescued after nearly 30 mins. We played for another 1 hr.

So thankful to God for the gentle breeze and the air we breathe! 

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