
Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Choice map

Guilty as charged. Been years since I read a book. 
And been years since I walked into office! So when I went to office  in November, I so happened to go near the library. 
I kept. saying, Beulah you don't have time for this, you already have enough books at home. If you really want to read you can read them first! I said. Let me just look around, see the books.  I remember very few books I've picked in infy library and tcs, and even client offices. But all those I took stood out and were excellent.  Just maybe... 

That's when I spotted one and against my selfwill got it home. It slept for a month, I kept renewing it online since I didn't go to office. On the day I went, I decided to return it. Felt so guilty. See I shouldn't have. ! But that day in the bus I just thought I'll skim through to see what the book was about. I had forgotten why I picked either. Something stood! Out when I skimmed of course. It was interesting.. 

And. Life changing. I then realized God actually put that book in my hand, though it was not a Christian book, to help me!  I remember years back, when I was in trouble, my brother kept saying you need to learn 'conflict management'. You don't choke someone or step on someone's toe all the time.  Quite practical and down to earth . And we are in God's hand as his own child + we come underunder his sovereignty +we have the wonderful Counselor+and the power the Holy Spirit. 
Ready to see your choices? 


Guilty haven't had time to pen anything about our darling Lily. 

She's been exceptional. Pampered. Has a pep in her walk. I remember the way she dance walks to her school. She loves her dollies. Earlier it was a pink teddy. Which ahe carried everywhere. Ot had been on trains, buses, sawyerpuram, over the years. Now it's Aviva the doll that her praveen mama got. We have to wash aviva twice a week. Coz she gets dirty all over. 

She speaks fluent like a ten year old. Thanks to amy for all the videos they watch. Earlier it was 'Peter rabbit', then Lassi, martha speaks, then Spirit. Cocomelon, peppa pig, pj masks are outdated. 
My girls are precious in God's sight. They love me to the core and I adore them. All the silly stuffs they make and the constant fights and giggles , remind me of how precious and needy they are of God's love and rescue. Praying we teach them about the power, and love of God. Oh of only they catch hold of the precious treasure of Jesus. 

Michael part. 2

professor who had gone to Nigeria with his wife, story it was again. My bad memory, made me listen to dad with eagerness.  When he went to the mountains, it was so thick with bramble bushes, that  his clothes , pants were all torn and he was in rags. That’s when the localite surrounded him. They put him on a flat rock, with fire underneath. And as he prayed, he was surrounded by angels?


His son got a call, and they told him, his father was dead. This stopped him in tracks.His tongue came out in the shock and he couldn’t recover. He was in CMC for a long time.and that’s all dad remembers.

James anna, Kodaikarai

was sitting with great authority. He went near her and said in the name of Jesus , leave her! She fell down, and was delivered that instant. She later said, that she always felt as if a big rock is on her head, and when he said the name of Jesus, she felt that the stone fell down from her head.

Praise be to God.


James anna told this to Dad, and he wasn’t sure he can tell it to anyone in his college. Dad took him to kodaikarai. He loved the people so much, that he said, he wont return to bethel to study, but will be with the kodaikarai people to teach them about Christ.  He refused to come.  He stayed there all his life, till his last breath. Now his wife, Jemima akka is continuing the ministry from where he left.


I remember James anna telling about how the young girls, so naïve, get allured by trinklets that the merchants who come to the hills to sell. They give their goat, cow, to buy one small earring which would probably cost Rs 10.  They were then taken to Bangaluru, to brothels and sold there. James anna searched and searched, but could not rescue her.

I remember his big smile, the beaming face and the moustache he has.  I also remember Hyssop they used to make and screen printing at our agaram road home. Prem used to go sell it to make funds for anna. Jemima akka was mom's neighbor in Nazareth. Mom, dad did the match making. They got married in kodaikarai. I think they rode on a horse. An adventurer for Christ.  To marry an adventurer for Christ, well that's another blog to be written about!