
Tuesday, December 24, 2019


Looking back, the year started with so many meds. Injection and weekly doc visit. Was tiresome, with two school going kids. Thankfully my work area was lean.

MFL was unexpected! I was sure my better half won't be interested..but God had other plans. He helped us complete the entire 13 week marriage course! Without a break and with a growing belly! It was a transformation in our life. He also is helping us take part in their chain prayer every month. It helped us set right some of the basic foundation in marriage and helped us trust each other more and see many things in different light.  He also rescued us as family from 3 of the accidents on road!

Our third baby girl is a surprise too! All healthy and safe. Docs had said it was a high risk pregnancy and my knee pain, hidradenitis suppravativa,  back ache, age factor all were taken care of by God. Can't thank God enough, as I cuddle her and hold her close.

My girls surprisingly have taken a good welcome of their lil sister. They both adore her. Though they fight like Tom and Jerry, I am yet to see that with lilybel.

Though much disappointed, my hubster has been comforted by God about having a 'boy' and those conversations have reduced a lot.

Our God sent, 5 + years maid was able to return back from January, after her health issues. Though she isn't able to do,all that she used to do, having her around is such a comfort. When her mil was sick and dying, 'God sent mil 'was with me during those precious first months of lilybel. God does know the end from the beginning...

Musically God helped me join Acapella class at office! Isn't that amazing to have teacher at work, teaching every week! During ML , again God is helping me learn guitar and Amy is learning keyboard! Praise be to God!

And so my heart is filled with thanks and praise for all that he's doing in our lives.

He commands his Angels ahead

I remember friends asking how will you manage after the baby when Amy was in tummy. She was due in Jan. It was blur after December. I had no idea how, but I was so sure , God will take care. And he did. I had many people ( elders) with me,  filling in my mom's place. I never once missed mom. So I was more confident with second pregnancy...and when it came to the third, I was so confident,.. though everyone had their doubts of how I will manage.

God showed off his might and he has led me this far. Like a puzzle God seemed to provide the lights for the way. Just enough for one step forward.
I had to be admitted in hospital 2 days before due to gestational diabetes. I had sil stay with me and on the day, when I was sore and couldn't get up or move, I had God sent Joyce stay in those precious moments! She with 2 kids and her youngest was too small to be left at home...but God clearly paves way isn't it? Her mil and her sisters let her stay those two nights( weekend) with me. Looking back, maybe that's why God pushed the surgery date to a Saturday? We'll, well, well,I can't help but thank God for everything he's done and doing in my life!

And this gives me courage that he who had thus far, will help us raise the trio in Godly love and fear. No matter, how crazy are days are filled with, and me losing my energy, voice and bubble, I know God will help me bounce and keep me bouncing!

Praise ye the Lord!

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Rescue 3&4&5

We had just come back from hospital. Lilybel was few days old. The girls were excited and it was difficult to keep their hands off of the baby.

Andrea had some fruits in a porcelain plate and was eating with a fork in the bed. I was nursing the baby..and Amy was jumping from one bed to another. They were turning a deaf ear to my warning not to jump or bring food to the bed. The thotil was on one side of bed and Amy was using it to swing from one bed to another. I most of the time end up enjoying their craziness, and save any effort from getting angry and screaming.

I was actually helpless. I needed help yo get up and stitches were still sore..I had no energy to scream. That would be a more apt statement. That is when it happened. Amy was swinging from one bed to other and returning back, when she lost balance and hit Andrea on the head with her legs. Both girls tumbled near my feet. Had they fallen on me, lilybel would have been crushed. Andrea hit her head on the bed frame. The porcelain plate crashed into pieces. The fork did not poke anyone! It was only miracle that all of us escaped unscathed.

The girls were too shocked to cry.  I can't thank God enough for protecting us all!

Rescue 4:
It was 10 days after surgery. I was at the doc's to get my stitches removed. My friend had said it was just a 2 minute work. Won't be painful at all. The doctor was talking to me while removing, that she instead of pulling the thread out, she cut both ends. She realized what she did in a second,but it was too late. There was panic in the room. Frantic search for other tools to try to get the now stuck stitch from my lower abdomen was futile. There was tense discussion between the nurses. The doc went out to call a surgeon. After the call, doctor tried to get it out, but wasn't successful. She said, it won't be trouble if it is left inside after all it's a small thread. She then said, can you come again, to xx hospital. We'll have the surgeon see you,himself.

As I was sitting there, the gravity of the issue hadn't really sunk in. Something simple had gotten complex. Doctor had tried her best. She called the hospital herself and made an appointment over phone. For me. She asked that it should be his first appointment and said she'll come at that time as well. Everything happened so fast... I somehow was not scared or worried. Nothing is difficult for God and it didn't happen without his knowledge. The doctor left. Lilybel was crying, so nursed her and was booking for get back home. One of the nurses came and asked if I can wait for few more minutes. A senior nurse wanted to see me. Thinking doc had asked so, I said ok. It took another hour for the nurse to come. I was tired, and wanted to lie down.
After an hour, I told the nurse that I can't wait too long. I can wait for 10 more.minutes and then I'll book ola .she said ok. After 10m with no sign of.nurse, I booked ola. And who rushes in after 5 mins? The head nurse! She quickly took me inside and had it checked out. She said it will hurt a little, just bear it . And in 1 min, she took it out! Just like that. It hurt a little, but it was a miracle she got it out, when doc couldn't. And God had been merciful to this undeserved sinner! I took the same booked ola! Isn't he amazing!

Rescue 5:

Lilybel was in thotil sleeping. Our maid akka was on leave. Me and athai were in kitchen, me cleaning vessels and athai chopping vegetables...we heard lilybel slightly whimpering. Knowing she's waking up, before I could wash my hands and go get her, we heard a loud thud and her crying her heart out. My mil was the first to rush and lift her. She had tried to turn over n thotil and she fell over. Praise God, the mosquito net held her head high! But her rest of the body was on the floor, but inside the net! My mil was in tears as she took the lil one out. It was God's grace, she was unscathed.
Praise be to God for his faithfulness and protection all throughout the day and year!

Thursday, December 12, 2019


When I did this poster, I was all in cloud 9. I knew life was going to be different...  A friend for life. A partner to walk with for the rest of the life....

What I did not know, was that there were lot of bumps, and pot holes along the way, and that I could trip and fall. Or that I could be rebellious, lazy,  and decide to drag or stop or worse turn around!

I was like a proud mule, trying to push, pull my own way for a long time.  And all that I had learnt before marriage was just so 'THEORITICAL'.

So glad God got me a husband who nailed it right in the beginning, that he was no friend, but a husband first. And 2. That I can't behave the same way I do at office. Both  of which shattered by heart and took months/years to get over it. But looking back now and seeing lot of families broken around me, I trust that was THE best hammer that got me down to reality and the beauty of submission. 

So ever thankful and grateful to God, for helping and molding and who united us saying you two shall become one. ! Happy Eighth !

What i love about my husband

Agreed we have been north and south pole. Two entire extremes, who can't stand each other during our initial days... But do you know what I love about him...Here's the list.

1. He is a prayerful guy... Seriously. He stands on his knees all the time since his childhood!,that his knees are calloused!
2. He prays before doing anything else in the morning. On his knees.
3. He prays for nearly an hour in the morning and in the evening. Seriously!
4. He will never, EVER leave the house before reading the Bible. You may have a train or flight to catch. You may have the prime Minister waiting. But you can't rush him.
5. When he's home, he's all home. No gadgets can occupy him. He never uses his phone. He's 100% available. ( Except in thoughts though)
6. He always insists on family prayer morning and evening.. though we do it only in the evening..Thanks to my laziness.
7. Minimum 3 songs have to be sung during family prayer. Bible reading minimum 15 verses. And a long prayer. No matter what time you start. Be it 8pm or 9 or 11.30 or past midnight. You can't go to bed without family prayer.
8. Before hitting bed, he will pray over himself, me and the kids . Every night.. However late.
9. When he's with the kids, he's 100% with them. As if there is no one else on the planet. He lets them climb on him, jump on him, sleep on him.
10. He is a man of integrity. He would never bribe or lie.
11. He will never miss Sunday church. However late.
12. He never takes bath without washing his hair. He doesn't know there's something like that. And he always keeps his hair very short.
13. He climbs 7 stairs everyday to work morning, evening and for lunch break too. Never uses lift.
14. He loves walking.
15.He prays over each room in the house by sprinkling water after praying over it.
16. He encourages me to drive.