
Saturday, October 13, 2007

Life in hospital..

I always believe that I grow an inch taller on every visit to CMC, Vellore hospital.
The earth seems to stop spinnin for a sec and then moves slowly in its own pace here. Disease, sickness, accident is never partial, and seems to come to all, the babies, the young and the old, the poor, and the rich.
The corridors are filled with waiting people, with anxious faces. Faces that are empty, distraught, scared, confused, lost in thought, sad, and sick, wrinkled, darkcircles with sleepless nights..The sick are wheeled to and fro in their beds, with their loved ones at the heel.
The docs, nurses, managers, the housekeepers, all are busy, yet have a pleasing smile that radiates in its own way.
The pain, the sick feeling n yr guts, butterflies on yr stomach, the stinging pain in your heart as you or you watch your suffering loved one, or anyone for that matter is real and true.
Yet the hope on docs, the medicines remain. The trust on God remains supreme, and the earth does spin in its own pace.. here in the hospital...

He sent out his word and he healed my disease He is my Lord, my healer.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good post.