
Wednesday, December 23, 2009

The woman of my life

I wrote this in 2006, for the Women's day Contest in my prior office. It won a Rs 200, gift voucher and 2 tickets to any movie, I wanted to. (I never redeemed it. :( )

She is my love
We share same flesh and blood
She is my strength
My power unleashed
I am proud she is mine

She can feel my pain
My joy, anger and strength
She can speak my thoughts
My secrets, likes and dislikes
I am proud she is mine

She understands my feelings
My frustration, excitement
She knows my dreams
My wants and passion
I am proud she is mine

Beautiful is her hair
I shall always admire
Sweet is her smile
I'll try to imitate
Yup! she’s my mom

I’ve seen her work tirelessly
From sunrise to sunset
Without resentment or bitterness

I’ve seen her fight back her tears
Shoulder responsibility
Care for neighbors

I’ve seen her inner strength
To fight terminal disease
To undergo pain and hardship

I’ve seen her love unconditionally
To love others more than herself
To sacrifice and to forgive

I’ve seen her give relentlessly
Hope, joy and strength
Freedom and love.

Now, I see that she has built in me
A good handwriting,
A good character!

I am proud I am hers!

Mom loved every word of it, and pestered Dad so much, to get it framed! She took pride in showing it off to every single person, who visited home, to such an extent, that I felt awkward the moment she turned her attention to the framed pic. But now am glad, really glad, that I wrote what I felt then.


Kingsly said...

Good One!

Densingh Joshua Israel said...

Hi beulah..
Great expression of gratitude and inner love.
Hope u follow her footsteps.....