Well, it occured to me when I was running to catch the train, hoping against hope that the train would start late. And it sure did. The funny thing is, if I am early, I expect the train to start immediately, and not wait long in other stations! ( Read: bus/shuttle/auto)
Same thing happens when I am on road and pray that the Railway gate doesnt close, while I cross it. But if am on the train, I just hope that train crosses and the Railway gate remains closed!
Again, while crossing a busy road, I want the vehicles to stop and give way to the pedestrians. But if I am on the vehicle, I press the gas and avoid stopping to let people cross. :( there are so many times, when i just want my way!
I now realise, that I shouldn't be impatient or complain when I am delayed, someone is in a hurry, and when I miss something, I am gonna meet or have a better experience.
"All things happen togethar for good, for those who love the Lord and are called according to His purpose" Rom 8:28. "Do to others as you would like them to do to you." Luke 6:31
and yeah, God can turn all evil to good! so why gripe? ""You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives." Genesis 50:20
Sadist...Someone who obtains pleasure from inflicting pain on others..Is that wat you mean to say??
May be its Self'ist'( Word from my dictionary)
Ny ways ...its true and a Gud observation...it was interesting to read ..
Of course! 'ALL' things work together for Gud..When His Word Says 'ALL' things...Its ALL thigs..
Keep blogging and Keep burning!!
True. But somehow, i feel i am indirectly being happy on someone else's difficulty at times. I agree, that 'sadist' is quite a harsh word to say though.. :) but it helps to stay on track. :))
and thanks for reading!
Beulah, I think you are rightly pointed out the sinful nature that we human beings are born with. Though we are born again we are still in mortal bodies that can ONLY think for the best it can give itself. But again it’s a question of Survival of the fittest. If we are too good beyond measure chances are that others may take undue advantage of our generosity.
Say for eg: while crossing a busy road, I want the vehicles to stop and give way to the pedestrians But if I am on the vehicle, I press the gas and avoid stopping to let people cross. If you swap roles and be too generous it’s likely that you would either keep standing idle hopelessly hoping for for all the vehicles to pass by or you would be the only motorist to stand amidst the traffic and give way to the innumerable pedestrians. Remember the bible says: “ don’t be righteous beyond measure”
I agree, we are mortal and have the sinful nature inside us.
Galatians 5:16 says, we have both God's Spirit in us, and our mortal nature always in conflict. We are told to live by the Spirit.
We need not be doormats. Matt 10:16 says "be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves." As per situation we need to act. But all our act needs to be covered with love. Loving enemies aint easy. tit for tat is not in our book.
I find difficult to be patient and oft want my way. tht's y this blog helping me to keep my perspective in place and to be neutral. :)
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