
Sunday, August 12, 2012

The unexpected...

I never wanted it to happen again. Not that day, not ever, not to another loved one, not the same thing! It was like a repeat telecast.  History happening again. Same events, same things.

It was inevitable I guess, and you can't deny it. But there it was.. rekindling the same emotion, the pain, the desperateness. So when it happened, we were unprepared.  The so many 'if only', ' i wish', 'how could' repeatedly going on in your mind.

But again, the grace of God surrounds you, and carries you through, to see the impossible. To float instead of hitting the hard ground of reality. My father in law passed away on 3rd August. He was very weak, and only later did I really come to know that it was the same thing that had consumed my mother. Spread over all his body, nowonder he was so weak.

A pretty authoritative person, demanding, yet such caring and love that I received unconditionally, that made me make myself at home, who treated me like a daughter is no more around. It is hard, that my lil one, will never get to see this wonderful personality, but I am glad I got to meet him, and relish his love, this past less than a year.

Yes, we'll get to meet one day.  I am again thankful for the wonderful hope and trust we have in our Lord, that we all will live eternity together.

1 comment:

Israel said...

My sincere condolences to you and satish! Its tragic to cope up with the sudden loss but thank God that he gives His grace.