When there was a hurricane in my life, I drifted slowly away from God. But God placed few people in my life, who helped me see what I was missing. My anchor was again Christ, and I was rooted. But I knew I had to pray for my spouse, but I did not know where to start. I even downloaded few things from the net to start with..but wasn't consistent. I forgot midway. But somehow, God taught me to make a customary prayer, just for my guy. So this is my 10 finger prayer point. I extended it for me first now, and it had been a revolution in my life.
Use your fingers, and make your own.. mine is like this!First pray for self and then for your spouse!
1. To relish God's love truly ( the height, breadth and width of it!)
2. To have hunger and thirst for God, and be transformed by the renewing of my/his mind by the Holy Spirit
3. To thank and pray for my/his health
4. To pray for his/my job- For his guidance, integrity and excellence
5. To pray for his/my friends.. Godly mentors at workplace. Specific friends- name them. Buddy and others'
The next ones- are very specific - to areas where you need help.
6. His anger. My selfishness
7. His forgiveness/forgetfulness. My pride.
8. His joy/thankful attitude. No lamentations. My Giving.
9. His ministry- what God has called him to be.
10. To bring out his talent.
I've been praying this daily for more than 4 years now, and my first 2 points have grown into 3 fold-Throne room worshiping the Father, remembering Christ on the Cross( batptism & communion) and be filled in His presence, and the dressing room- Armor of God, and taking a dip in God's ocean of love....
Praise be to God! I've seen God work beautifully in my life and my guy's life, in specific areas of ( 6-8) and delivered us from the struggle! ( explained in another blog)Try it, he lives!
Nice one
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